
22,000 Members in Club 9294 Ltd.


8 Admins in Club 9294 Ltd.


4 Years Celebrations in Club 9294 Ltd.

3 Years Celebrations

About CLUB 9294

We are a club of diverse group of professional women and men who had passed SSC in the year of 1992 and HSC in the year of 1994 from different schools and colleges countrywide. In our community and around the world we would create opportunities for children’s educational and ethical development along with finding our good old friends. We had started by creating a platform through a Facebook page and enjoy each other’s company to be enriched by educational, entertaining and heart-warming programs. Our Families join us in our service and our fellowship. 

CLUB 92 94 projects

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      63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


      +12 (0) 345 678 9

